Combating Human Trafficking in Nepal and India
Vulnerable girls are decieved
Your purchases will help provide prevention, rescue and restoration to those in some of the most dangerous and difficult circumstances and places.
Protecting the most vulnerable
In Nepal, traffickers often target girls from the lowest caste in extreme poverty. Because of the corrupt caste system, these girls face systemic discrimination and a lack of job opportunities. Tragically, traffickers leverage their desperation with false promises of high-paying jobs, education, or an arranged marriage, luring these girls across the border into India. This tactic deceives the girls into believing they will be able to provide for themselves or their families. Typically, these girls have no idea what fate awaits them until it’s too late.
Combat Trafficking With Every Purchase
Before and even after these girls are sold, they can be rescued and brought to a safe house for healing and restoration. Through our partnership with Venture and Business for Good, your purchases will help these girls find freedom, loving care, and a brighter future. Our giving program supports the prevention, rescue, and restoration of girls from human trafficking. Watch Sushila's story below for an example of the powerful difference this makes in someone's life.
- Prevention - Vulnerable girls are identified and brought to a safe house where they receive trauma care and education. Additionally, in high-trafficking communities, these girls and their families receive meals, secure homes, and start-up costs for farms so they can live in safety with enough food to eat.
- Rescue - Survivors staffed at border patrol stations along the Nepal-India watch for girls at imminent risk of being trafficked. At these high-trafficking crossings, victims are identified and separated from their traffickers. Recovery and support are given on a case-by-case basis.
- Restoration - Rescued girls receive safe housing, health assessments, trauma counseling, and reunification with their families–depending on the situation. Girls can pursue vocational training to become financially independent, which breaks the cycle of poverty that had caused them to be vulnerable in the first place.
Purity Pearls was created to bring worth and value to those who need it most. Thank you for shopping with us to send these girls critical healing, relief and hope.

Sushila's Story

Caught in a war they didn't choose, left with a life outside of their control
The Syrian crisis for children
An estimated 8.4 million children have been affected by the conflict in Syria, with more than 2.5 million registered as refugees.
Education for Syrian Refugee Youth
When you purchase from Purity Pearls, we are able to provide Syrian refugee children in Lebanon an opportunity to receive an education. Through our partner organizations, hundreds of Syrian refugee children can attend school who otherwise wouldn’t have a chance to go. Many of the families of these children fled war zones and have been in dire living conditions in refugee camps. If these children weren't in school they could be working in harsh conditions or at further risk of being exploited sexually or for slave labor. At school they are not only given an education but also hope for a brighter future.
We are currently working with two non-profits in Lebanon who are working to provide school opportunities for Syrian refugees. One is serving in the Bekaa Valley, an area of more than 350,000 refugees bordering Syria, the other is in Northern Lebanon where refugees have not been welcomed and Syrian children have not been allowed into the school systems. Both of these schools not only provide an education for the students but also meals, transportation to school, and other essential items like coats or shoes in the winter. Our donations go directly towards providing for these children to go to school as well as paying the teachers and staff who serve them.
Purity Pearls was created with a desire to serve the least served and to bring worth and value back to those who have been overlooked by much of the world. By purchasing from Purity Pearls, you are helping to bring hope to those who need it most.